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Camp Joy Belize is a ministry of Living Waters Fellowship Church serving persons with special needs and disabilities. We believe that God created man in his Own image and we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Genesis 1:27 & Psalms 139:14). We aim to provide a supportive, fun, inclusive environment with Christian values at the core.

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    Camp Joy Belize is a ministry serving persons with special needs in Belize.


    Pray that God will continue to be glorified by Camp Joy. Pray that God's people will provide financially to this ministry. Pray for the counselors, staff, and campers of Camp Joy; that God will prepare their hearts for a meaningful encounter with Him.

    Share the Love

    We need financial and material donations. Camp Joy needs to raise approximately $10,000 each year. Funding comes from churches, individuals, organizations, and camper fees. Can you help us meet our fundraising goal? You can support a camper by sponsoring their camp fees. Financial donations can be sent to Camp Joy Belize.


    All Camp Joy counselors and staff are volunteers. Do you know someone who would want to volunteer or do you want to volunteer? We need counselors ages 16 and up. All volunteers must be Christians. We also need volunteers/ partners to assist with fundraising activities.
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